Well, I've kept it up. I altered my weekly running schedule a bit to keep from running too much (and to allow room for biking and swimming a bit). Up 'til now my routine has now been:
biking or swimming
light strength training
Tempo run(10 min warmup; 20 min tempo run (or 2, 15 min tempo runs))
10 min cool-down run
intense strength training (full body)
Off day (or easy run)
45 min intervals (10 min mile run warmup; 6 sets of 3-min walk/run/jog intervals)
10 min mile run plus cool down
intense strength training (full body)
Off day or bike
Long Run (8-10 miles)
A week after my first 10 mile run, I dropped back down to about 8 miles. It was a few weeks straight of good runs. Then, the next week I hit 13 miles (on accident). I was going for just passing 10 miles, then thought I could hit 12. I did the math wrong and ran 13. It was great b/c I finally proved I could run the half-marathon distance. So, I signed up for the Publix Half-Marathon on March 18.
Unfortunately, a few weeks later, my knee started giving me trouble. I think I increased my mileage too fast and maybe switched shoes too soon. I am switching back to my old shoes. I'm also going back to the max dose of glucosamine/chondroitin in hopes that will help too. I am debating getting a knee support because I don't want to do any more damage, but I want to keep going. I have my first 10k this weekend, the Spartan Sprint next weekend, and the half-marathon the weekend after. I don't need to do a lot of running in the meantime, but I do want to. I want to hit 10-13 miles again one more time before the half-marathon. I have just had a few bad runs in the past few weeks, and all are probably from over-training. So, I really am going to try to take it easy this week, but I'm worried that by not running the distance I will lose the ability. I know that's crap though... every part of my body (except my knee right now) could keep going on all of these runs. I need to heal my knee so it can keep up.
I am trying to get myself started w/ triathlon training now. My bike needs a tune-up, but in the meantime I have stationary bikes at the gym. Swimming is tough, but it's great cross training and I could really benefit right now from aqua running/jogging. I am so self-conscious at the pool because I'm inexperienced and easily intimidated, but I need to get over that and just go for it.
I can do this. I will do this. Just because one thing is giving me a hard time doesn't mean I can't use this as an opportunity to work on my swimming and biking. I know that I can run 13 miles... or I can run 10 and walk 3. That I can do. This week, though, all I need to do is run 10k. I'll tackle the next goal after that. I can do this. I will do this.
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