Monday, April 21, 2014

Sprint Triathlon - mock race

I'm looking for anybody who'd be interested in a "mock sprint triathlon" event that would likely take place on May 18th - time of day would be determined by how many people participate and the time that works best for most. I have reached out to a number of folks so far, and it seems that there may be enough potential interest to move ahead and plan this thing. 

Does the idea of a complete sprint triathlon freak you out a bit? Come do just the swim, just the bike, or just the run... it's a "mock race" so you can do as much or as little distance as you feel comfortable. I'll plan out the course in such a way that you can do the full distance of each leg, or whatever portion of the distance you feel comfortable with. The idea is that there will be a sprint distance planned out...but you can do as much or as little as you feel like. You make it your mock race, but you don't have to do it alone!

This is a great chance for those new to triathon to get an idea of what it's like to transition between the swim-bike-run legs and practice without the intensity of an actual race. It's also a great way to get a great brick training session in. The best part for triathlon regulars is that it's an opportunity to do a full sprint race to start off the season without having to pay for an actual race. 

The "mock race" would likely be at Lake Lanier, as there is ample space for a swim, bike, run setup. We could set up a "transition" area near the cars or a camp site. I will also see if there is anybody interested in just hanging out at the lake who would be willing to watch our stuff...make it like more of a race day transition setup. If that's the case, here's how it would go down:
  • Swim - Ideally, I will set up a buoy at a distance, and we'd go out and back. The other option would be to begin at about 400 meters from where our "transition" is set up and swim from one point to the next. 
  • Bike - I'll map out a route in advance that would be in the 12-16 mile range. Lake Lanier has non-main roads that can be used, but we would have to loop a few times to avoid major roads, I am fine w/ that. (and if you want to extend the distance on your own, there's option here to adapt w/ as many or few loops as you want)
  • Run - I will map out a 5k route in advance...likely it will be along part of the same route we bike.
  • Transitions - If we have a "volunteer" to hang out and watch our stuff, it will be set up like at a real race. Otherwise, we'll lock the bikes to a rack and designate a secure area for our shoes, etc (like the backseat of my car or inside the tent of a campsite).
We will all be responsible for our own safety, fueling, and hydration along the course, but I will plan to provide ample water, snacks, and refreshments for the transition area and "post-race." I will also plan to have on-site a first aid kit and basic bike tools, pumps, extra tubes, etc. 

Swim - Bike - Run - Refreshments!
I will probably camp the night before if it's a morning event - so the camp site thing would be easy that way. If we do an afternoon event, then the parking lot transition area is more likely. It'll work out fine either way. May 18th is a Sunday so the options for times are probably early-ish morning (finishing up by 10am) or any time after about 2:00 b/c I'd like to be able to go to church around mid-day, if possible. I'm up for any input on actual times though... 

Side note - I will be doing this sprint distance "mock race" regardless of the level of organization, as I want one that weekend anyway. I'm organizing it as an "event" in effort to get a group together. If you want to be accounted for in the "event," please let me know by 2 weeks prior, so I will have enough water and stuff and have an idea of whether or not it's worth the level of organization. Otherwise, anybody is welcome to join in at the last minute for all or part of the distances, as I'll be doing the sprint no matter what :) just may not be so organized if I don't have many committed folks by 2 weeks out! 
(Search for "Sprint Triathlon 'mock race'" if that link doesn't work)