I've not done a great job of keeping up w/ this training progress blog. I have been not-too-surprisingly busy with house-related stuff, but I have continued to train. What's been going on in the past nearly two months? A few milestones, actually.
I ran a Thanksgiving 5k (with my injured hand in tow), and finished at 32:22, which isn't bad. Better than my previous 5k time. I have since decided no more 5k races for a while. It's time to up the ante and push myself a bit more.
I started running intervals. My hand got better, so I got back to strength training in December. I have also increased my distance bit by bit. On Christmas Eve, while home in Lake Park I went out for what was meant to be a 45 minute (4 mile or so) run, which is my typical distance. I returned 1 hour and 15 minutes later, after running 7.5 miles! I kept about a 10:00 mile pace most of the time, including a short walking stretch for about .15 miles. So, that convinced me that I am capable. It was a wonderful run!
So, what's next? Keep training because those races are coming...
My first 10K (The Intown Ten) w/ Brittany is on March 4.
The Spartan Sprint obstacle race w/ Adam is March 10.
My Iron Girl Triathlon is on May 20, and I'm considering a 2nd Sprint Tri on June 10.
Not only that, I think I may try a half-marathon on April 22.
All of these races can work well into training. Until early March, I'll be mixing it up w/ running, intervals, and strength training. I'll take the week between those two races as a "rest" week...one or two short runs and light strength training.
After that, the triathlon training begins. Both the half marathon and sprint triathlon are close to the same length in time, so if I train myself w/ a focus on running 3 days, swimming 1-2 days, and biking 2 days each week, I should be good for the triathlon. The half-marathon would count as a long run day, and the week leading up to it would be a rest week. I can do it, the question is do I want to do that much that quickly?
I'm going to go for the 10K first, and depending on how I feel at that point and how far my distance has progressed, I'll decide whether or not to sign up for the half marathon.
I never thought I'd ever consider doing a half marathon. I also never thought I'd enjoy running or admit that I think the running portion of the tri is going to be my favorite part. Who am I?! Haha!
I also have been working on my diet... I have slowly been starting The Zone Diet, so hopefully that will help me balance my protein/carb intake, and by the time I start triathlon training, I'll increase carbs and decrease fat intake by 10%-15% each. I can do this.